> The Darkener's Console

Opening the small mailbox reveals a leaflet.

tmux —


I used to (casually) use screen, but then desired something that would display multiple terminals simultaneously. I also wanted to be able to type and have it echo into all terminals (useful for updating multiple servers and other general sysadmin stuff). I remember a couple different people (likely including, but not limited to greenfly, ttkay or twm) over in #nblug mentioned tmux. I did some searching and found that it could do all of this, so I kicked the ole brain into write-mode and start learning its personality.

Tmux is really nice. When I build my underground Command and Control center (or NOC for you “standards” types..visualize those quotes as little furry bunny ears) that looks dangerously like the one from War Games, tmux will be what’s on the large screens, some displaying multiple panes (^b + % or “), cycling through various information on the WOPR^Wserver farm. I’ll sit at my terminal and simultaneously (^b + :setw synchronize-panes on) run through other aspects if something strange pops up. 31337. Other screens will display live video feeds from the perimeter and other interesting geographical locations. And yes, everything will be in green terminal font. Because if you don’t do it in green terminal font, don’t fucking do it.

For now, my C64 will do just fine.

Categorised as: Technical

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