> The Darkener's Console

There is a suspicious-looking individual, holding a large bag, leaning against one wall. He is armed with a deadly stiletto.

Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Success vs. Failure —

This came into my head when I was finishing up my Tai-Chi routine this morning: I was raised believing that there is an ‘end game’ or ‘goal’ in life. When I die, I am judged based on my actions. If I am deemed worthy to go to Heaven, I will spend eternity in bliss. If […]

Religion —

Much of what comprises organized religion has kept humans from progressing as a species. I’ve experienced this in my own life and I’ve seen it as an observer of this place. The problem is primarily the function of interpretation and bias. These problems are enmeshed with human defects such as greed. Together, the innocent teachings […]