> The Darkener's Console

You are behind the white house. A path leads into the forest to the east. In one corner of the house there is a small window which is slightly ajar.

Posts Tagged ‘periscope’

Periscope #2 —

So I’ve spent another day with Periscope being at the center of my ‘lazy’ attention span(s) throughout the day. A few observations: 1) I can tell that the fever will die down very quickly with its current feature set. The Periscope devs will really need to dig deep into what it means to livestream your […]

Periscope #1 —

I’ve been infatuated with Periscope for the past few days. I’ve hardly been on Facebook. I don’t even *care* about Facebook anymore. I do admit I didn’t care very much about it already, but Periscope has become a really good reason not to waste time on Facebook feeling part-way disconnected from my friends. Living through […]