> The Darkener's Console

Almost as soon as the thief breathes his last breath, a cloud of sinister black fog envelops him, and when the fog lifts, the carcass has disappeared.

Posts Tagged ‘mother love bone’

Stargazer —

If, in some parallel universe, there existed an 8-bit video game about Mother Love Bone‘s quest for stardom – Stargazer would be the music that plays on the continue screen when you “die” (no pun intended…ugh..sorry Andy lol). I think this is because I feel it’s somewhat similar intro tune to what I remember was […]

Grunge —

  The other night I was bored and did a search on “grunge” on YouTube. I found this ~45m Grunge documentary that VH1 did and watched it. I was born in 1980 so my pre teen and teenage years were heavily influenced musically by grunge. While my first tapes purchased (apart from the oldies tapes […]