> The Darkener's Console

It's pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Posts Tagged ‘life’

Balance is Contagious —

Balance is EVERYTHING. If we can learn balance, we can undo what has been done. If we can learn balance, we can remember who we are. If we can learn balance, we will re-sync with nature. If we can learn balance, we will realize that peace has always existed. If we can learn balance, and […]

Hard Drive Sounds —

It was mid-1996, it was dark outside and inside. I was 16. I was laying on my mattress in my room, on my right side. I remember that because I was facing my wall. I had just smoked some pot and blew it out my window. I wondered if my mom was going to smell […]

Mutual Respect —

With a few exceptions I feel like lately I’ve gotten little respect in return for the respect I give others. What I mean by this is, I feel like I’ve gone just about as far as I can go to show and hint to certain people in my life that I genuinely care about them […]