> The Darkener's Console

Opening the small mailbox reveals a leaflet.

Posts Tagged ‘covid-19’

“…And What Have We Learned?” —

The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought sickness, death and fear to the human species. The scientists of the world have created a vaccine, specifically designed to inoculate humans against the virus. Less the anti-vaxers, humans everywhere have spotted a bright shining light in the distance – one of hope for the future. One that broadcasts that […]

COVID-19 Daily Deaths as of 2021/04/07 —

I find it interesting how the death rate was literally the highest at 2021/01/20, then started to fall drastically. Hmm, what happened on 2021/01/20? P.S. Annual death rate of influenza (the flu) in the U.S. is ~36,500. That’s an average taken from between 2010-2020. COVID-19 death rate is currently 560,000 for around 15 months. That’s […]

Modern Survival —

I feel like we’re all playing a game of survival. I used to play “war” with my friend John Ortiz in 2nd grade. We would walk around the school’s field at recess, pretending to shoot bad guys, and occasionally get blown up by a grenade. I guess you could call it a survival game. Fortunately […]