> The Darkener's Console

There is a suspicious-looking individual, holding a large bag, leaning against one wall. He is armed with a deadly stiletto.

Posts Tagged ‘biden’

The Gas Light is Out —

In November 2016 I was feeling pretty bummed, betrayed and worried about the next 4 years. I was at my Mom’s (an avid Trump supporter) house and she told me, “Don’t worry. You’ll see, in 4 years the world is going to be in such a better place than it is now, just trust me. […]

Fraud —

Some quotes from r/conservative… “Even if he has in fact lost, letting the recounts and the challenges proceed is vital to fair elections and should be done. The voting process(es) is(are) broken and should be nationalized. Whether it’s systemic, prevalent, or isolated to one or two unique circumstances, it’s quite obvious that voter fraud happens. […]