‘Tis the Season for BBS Nostalgia —
It’s raining, time to get nostalgic about BBSes :)
There is a beautiful brass bauble here.
It’s raining, time to get nostalgic about BBSes :)
For many years I’ve used the =) as my “emoticon” (though I hate that term – it’s a smilie, damn it). Before that I generally used :> as a snarky, 14-year-old would to show how unique and cool I was compared to the lamers who always used the standard :-) of the time (~1994). In […]
It was mid-1996, it was dark outside and inside. I was 16. I was laying on my mattress in my room, on my right side. I remember that because I was facing my wall. I had just smoked some pot and blew it out my window. I wondered if my mom was going to smell […]
“It reminds me of like, an old Nintendo set, you know… But like, porno Nintendo. Like, on drugs.”
-= 1 =- I am 36 years old. I currently live in a small town in Northern California, but grew up in a semi-large city of just under two-hundred thousand people. I’m married and have two children. I own my own I.T. business where I support and maintain small business computer networks. I am a […]
This post is about my former Bulletin Board System (BBS) which ran in Santa Rosa and Rohnert Park / Sonoma County, California from around 1996-2001. “Dark Forces” was re-named to “Innerlink” after Midas had ceased to be a co-SysOp – to preserve the original SysOps (The Darkener & […]
Not sure which BBS this was on, may have been my own (Dark Forces / Innerlink).. The year was 1996 and the message base was dedicated to users’ L.O.R.D. (Legend of the Red Dragon) character descriptions. “The Darkener” was my first longstanding online alias and has stuck with me through the fall of BBSes and […]