Free Radicals —
Free radicals Swarming around me I close my eyes And I can see Tree, botanical Balance surrounding I hope the prize Grounds all of me
The flow of the river carries you downstream.
Free radicals Swarming around me I close my eyes And I can see Tree, botanical Balance surrounding I hope the prize Grounds all of me
Balance is EVERYTHING. If we can learn balance, we can undo what has been done. If we can learn balance, we can remember who we are. If we can learn balance, we will re-sync with nature. If we can learn balance, we will realize that peace has always existed. If we can learn balance, and […]
“Karate Kid” is one of those movies, to me, that describes some of the universal truths of this reality. When I was a kid I’d watch this movie because it was about a boy coming of age, learning how to kick ass and get a hot girlfriend. Little did I know that back then, the […]