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Periscope #1 —

I’ve been infatuated with Periscope for the past few days.

I’ve hardly been on Facebook. I don’t even *care* about Facebook anymore. I do admit I didn’t care very much about it already, but Periscope has become a really good reason not to waste time on Facebook feeling part-way disconnected from my friends. Living through pictures and comments and replies to comments is cool but kind of an “at-work” feeling environment now.

Periscope is sort of how I envisioned Cool Mic + Echonet at one point. I feel I’ve got some pretty good goals and app features laid out that set it apart from Periscope significantly (which also include a better initial business model), but I also know it’s a fast moving target (especially with the capital Twitter brings).

I’ve got to move quickly. Or jump on the Periscope train? ;)

Categorised as: Blogs | Technical

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