> The Darkener's Console

On the ground is a large platinum bar.

Once Upon a Time.. —

There was a horrible tyrant, and his henchman.

The henchman was loyal, truthful and always did his best to appease his master, as he is also master of all beneath him. Though he dreamed of one day being the ruler of all, and armed with the faults he saw in the horrible tyrant, he felt as if he was falling deeper and deeper into a dark abyss.

The ruthless and dishonest tyrant – one who would deceive and sacrifice the ones he was responsible for the sake of himself, would chain his henchman to those he manipulated. He would fool many and entrench him, soon to benefit but long to hold the lies. He would execute plans and invite his henchman to his quarters, which would offer gold, and riches, and influence. The henchman, forever starved of importance and acknowledgement, took what was offered.

The trollish tyrant would remark, “Aren’t you glad you’re on my side?” to which the henchman would respond… “Yes I am, so as I am.”

Yes I am, so as I am.

Categorised as: Blogs | Philosophy

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