> The Darkener's Console

This is a forest, with trees in all directions. To the east, there appears to be sunlight.

“I Still Have a Dream” by Bert [Kosmic FreeMusic Foundation] (1996) —

I was going to post this track here and talk about how much it has meant to me over the years. I was going to say how it’s my go-to track for when I’m feeling like some old school 90’s electronic. How I downloaded it from some unknown place, maybe a LAN party, maybe an FTP site, I don’t honestly remember. But I always loved this track especially, and have listened to it over the years many times, up until (at least) 2024.

I was exporting the .XM music format it was in to one digestible by most browsers and some hidden (to me) metadata appeared on the export screen. I had *never* seen this before!! It’s like this really cool easter egg, to find this almost 30 years later. So I’ll post it and post the track as well for you, hopefully D.R.van der Velden doesn’t mind.

“I Still Have a Dream by Bert [Kosmic FreeMusic Foundation]

This song was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. (1920-1968) Prior to his fatal shooting, MLK toured annualy, denouncing the hardships of African-Americans. “I have a dream”, one of his most stirring national adresses, was delivered on August 28, 1963 before 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial…………

Sample Origin:
-bassdrum, hihat & claps: tr909 ftp site
-percussion: krystall
-bass: tx16w ftp site
-piano: basehead
-synth: sampled from my psr500 keyboard
-speech: sampled from ‘America’s greatest speeches’ audio CD

-bells: maz sound ftp

-female voc: krystall

Feedback & Info:
-kosmic.nfo file or email
-d.r.vandervelden@wbmt.tudelft.nl Berts Music Department


Copyright 1996 D.R.van der Velden

All Rights Reserved”

EDIT 1: Tried e-mailing the address and visit website above, but both are out of commission =(

EDIT 2: Here’s the Wikipedia page for Kosmic Free Music Foundation

Categorised as: Blogs


  1. bert of kosmic says:

    Hi there,

    This is Bert of Kosmic, I found your message on the internet, great to read that I was helping to shape your music taste!

    Please feel free to drop me a line at my current email address.


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