> The Darkener's Console

There is a beautiful brass bauble here.

Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

Felon —

I think we all need to take a look at Trump’s track record from 2016-2020. I think we’ve all got a bit of amnesia from what happened, and didn’t happen during that time period, because it seems like we’re all moving forward with the 2024 election like it’s a do-over. Trump had 4 years to […]

People Problems —

Dare I say, in the United States? Child porn isn’t a technology problem. It’s a people problem. Mass shootings isn’t a gun control problem. It’s a people problem. “Far right”, Neo-Nazism and MAGA isn’t a politics problem. It’s a people problem. Human beings need to come together, now more than ever. We’ve been divided and […]

Repetition —

You wanna know the secret to success? Repetition. It’s no more complex than that. Music and rhetoric. Art and politics. You wanna steer a people? Repetition. We’re all fucking apes. We think we’re so smart, so evolved… go fuck yourself. We’re animals, feeding off of the umbilical residue of generations before us… In the end, […]

Memory #9272748 —

My grandparents on my mother’s side had a hearing aid business/office when I was little. I remember my parents dropping me off there on occasion to “work”, my grandparents assigning me some duties such as sorting the small glossy brochures for different products. I remember sorting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, to […]

Adults and Responsibility —

Here’s a good quote about adults who fail to take responsibility in their lives. Pay attention to the last paragraph – it’s telling. “Some people are good at being responsible adults. They make conscious, informed decisions about their lives and as a result are confident, secure and productive. Some people prefer to abdicate their personal […]

Progress in My Own Mind —

I want to change my thought process when I’m studying something particularly challenging/intimidating, to seek out a flaw of any kind (a spelling/grammar error, for example) to dismiss it entirely. It’s like I do it subconsciously to guard myself from feeling inadequate for not understanding the material. I feel this is something that I’ve carried […]

How to Conquer a People —

To conquer a people, you simply need to eliminate what binds them together: mutual trust, cooperation and love. Once these are gone, it’s simply a matter of directing them to serve your selfish fucking purpose under a guise of hope to get back to where they were before you infected them in the first place.

Boulevard Park —

We ordered Mexican food from a local place off of E. Holly St. and took it down to Boulevard Park. We found a nice picnic bench and as we made our way toward it, a man played a Melodica. The Sun was setting beautifully over the islands. There were many people there, yet the park […]

Public Service Announcement —

“You are having difficulties because you are fundamentally at conflict with your thoughts and feelings and you are using X as a weapon in this conflict. You are hoping that if you do X for long enough you won’t have to feel any of these difficult feelings. This is why it feels so uncomfortable and […]