Strength and Love —
Strength and Love don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
There is a beautiful brass bauble here.
Strength and Love don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
What. The. Fuck.
My father taught me about guns when I was 10 years old. And he did a damn good job. You see, his side of the family came to America in the 1600’s. We have very strong roots here. When it comes to the topic of firearms, I refer, and truly believe in the U.S. constitution’s […]
8:54.33 5+3=8 4+4=8 8 8 8 8 8 EIGHT
I think we all need to take a look at Trump’s track record from 2016-2020. I think we’ve all got a bit of amnesia from what happened, and didn’t happen during that time period, because it seems like we’re all moving forward with the 2024 election like it’s a do-over. Trump had 4 years to […]
Dare I say, in the United States? Child porn isn’t a technology problem. It’s a people problem. Mass shootings isn’t a gun control problem. It’s a people problem. “Far right”, Neo-Nazism and MAGA isn’t a politics problem. It’s a people problem. Human beings need to come together, now more than ever. We’ve been divided and […]
You wanna know the secret to success? Repetition. It’s no more complex than that. Music and rhetoric. Art and politics. You wanna steer a people? Repetition. We’re all fucking apes. We think we’re so smart, so evolved… go fuck yourself. We’re animals, feeding off of the umbilical residue of generations before us… In the end, […]
My grandparents on my mother’s side had a hearing aid business/office when I was little. I remember my parents dropping me off there on occasion to “work”, my grandparents assigning me some duties such as sorting the small glossy brochures for different products. I remember sorting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, to […]
Yeah, it’s scary. Do it anyway.
How hard is an honest apology to some people? …Or is it just not in them?
Here’s a good quote about adults who fail to take responsibility in their lives. Pay attention to the last paragraph – it’s telling. “Some people are good at being responsible adults. They make conscious, informed decisions about their lives and as a result are confident, secure and productive. Some people prefer to abdicate their personal […]
Since when did trolls become oblivious to their own trolling?
There is no yin without yang, up without down, left without right or North without South. With this in mind, please know that cultural polarization is a strong weapon that keeps us all fearful and in line.
“Free music.” This is a statement, not an offer.
Two negatives make a positive. Two positives also make a positive. Which do you choose?
I think 50% of people hold words to be ultimately accountable. I think the other 50% hold intention to be ultimately accountable.
Why are so many Christians I know so incredibly broken inside, and also so vocal about expressing it to others?
A list of what I believe are the most valuable things for humans:
I want to change my thought process when I’m studying something particularly challenging/intimidating, to seek out a flaw of any kind (a spelling/grammar error, for example) to dismiss it entirely. It’s like I do it subconsciously to guard myself from feeling inadequate for not understanding the material. I feel this is something that I’ve carried […]
To conquer a people, you simply need to eliminate what binds them together: mutual trust, cooperation and love. Once these are gone, it’s simply a matter of directing them to serve your selfish fucking purpose under a guise of hope to get back to where they were before you infected them in the first place.
It’s about time that CC, F/OSS and Social Impact meet up for a beer and discuss a joint venture. I’d say we’re long, long overdue for a major ‘shift’. Money will quickly become obsolete when we all sync up with the tools we currently have and forge an understanding of each other and a motivation […]
Sometimes I think it’s necessary to move backward to figure out how to move forward.
We ordered Mexican food from a local place off of E. Holly St. and took it down to Boulevard Park. We found a nice picnic bench and as we made our way toward it, a man played a Melodica. The Sun was setting beautifully over the islands. There were many people there, yet the park […]
Those who “follow the leader” are, by definition, not leaders.
“You are having difficulties because you are fundamentally at conflict with your thoughts and feelings and you are using X as a weapon in this conflict. You are hoping that if you do X for long enough you won’t have to feel any of these difficult feelings. This is why it feels so uncomfortable and […]
An interesting video on “breaking up” with a narc. We all know ‘that person’ and to me it’s pretty crazy how observable the patterns are across completely different humans who carry the same general personality traits.
Two days ago California lifted the mask mandate for those who are vaccinated only. Those who are unvaccinated are still required to wear masks indoors. Here’s my rhetorical question: What makes anyone think that anti-vaxers are going to suddenly start following the rules? I can understand the need to re-open fully for the economy’s sake, […]
It is easier to control people by appealing to their worst qualities rather than their best.
“You have an opinion, that’s great. But here’s data.” – L0pht (Defcon speaker, unknown date)