But Their Texts —
“But their texts…”
Almost as soon as the thief breathes his last breath, a cloud of sinister black fog envelops him, and when the fog lifts, the carcass has disappeared.
“But their texts…”
Freedom fries.
Just a few warnings to the incoming POTUS, from the citizenry:
When it all falls apart All I can say is, We fucking told you.
What. The. Fuck.
Gaslighting is defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. P.S. I wonder if the definition holds when you go full-throttle from the very start..?
Listen America: To Trump, and to those who follow him religiously (including some in Congress), there’s no differentiating between the ones he hates. He’s going to go through his list one by one. Many of the people above are part of MAGA families. He’s starting with the ones that most people may not involve themselves […]
So, I guess years-long foreign disinformation and influence campaigns against American voters worked. You all cool with that?
Good work America, you elected a felon as your leader.
“Make America Great Again” 2024? Wasn’t the whole compromise in 2016, “Give Trump a chance” ? We did that. Remember what happened? He had 4 years to accomplish it. What did he do instead? Well, he complained, deflected, completely mismanaged a global pandemic which ended up killing millions, got impeached twice, incited violence hate and […]
I thought about this yesterday… Who do you want to say you elected as president for America’s 250th anniversary?
‘The Media’ sucked Trump’s dick in 2015/2016 out of fear and guilt. It’s about time that they reversed the narrative. Fucking thank you.
My father taught me about guns when I was 10 years old. And he did a damn good job. You see, his side of the family came to America in the 1600’s. We have very strong roots here. When it comes to the topic of firearms, I refer, and truly believe in the U.S. constitution’s […]
Ok. At least at the moment, the future of the United States looks promising. But we need to talk about something. Last time, people got lazy. They didn’t vote. They thought it was a sure thing. And look what happened. When it comes time, get your fucking asses out there and VOTE. I don’t care […]
“The former president routinely promotes falsehoods and conspiracy theories.“ I never thought this would become ‘normal’. Not even for this short period of time. I sure hope that all of this is just a decades-long orchestrated narrative that’s supposed to pump us all up for USA’s 250th anniversary.. you know, as in a hero comes […]
I’m sorry – How, exactly is this Freedom of Religion?
This seems to make sense. Not for *all* people, but many I’m sure are too prideful to admit they were conned or taken advantage of. Embarrassing. I want those people know that nobody’s judging them and there’s no reason to feel any shame. Cut your losses; you found him out—leave it at that. We’re all […]
I think we all need to take a look at Trump’s track record from 2016-2020. I think we’ve all got a bit of amnesia from what happened, and didn’t happen during that time period, because it seems like we’re all moving forward with the 2024 election like it’s a do-over. Trump had 4 years to […]
What makes more sense is that anyone who DECRIES this verdict is a danger to you and your family, because they’re not respecting the rule of law, juries made up of people just like you and I, or our legal system on a foundational and constitutional level. I don’t think any Democrat, Independent, or any […]
Dare I say, in the United States? Child porn isn’t a technology problem. It’s a people problem. Mass shootings isn’t a gun control problem. It’s a people problem. “Far right”, Neo-Nazism and MAGA isn’t a politics problem. It’s a people problem. Human beings need to come together, now more than ever. We’ve been divided and […]
It’s like what happened before. Only it’s the other way around. Smart.
(straight from the stickynote..please forgive the run-on sentences, it was a very ‘stream-of-consciousness’ thing) A cartoon musical number where Donald Trump and Eric/Don Jr/etc. are there as kids asking what they should do since they won’t be able to afford some extravagant thing if the bank loan rate is that high, and Donald burst out […]
The optics would be perfect.
Musk has apparently gone full-on troll against Wikipedia. It’s really sad to see somebody who has done so much for scientific progress stoop so low in his public interactions. I’m honestly ashamed I ever looked up to him as an entrepreneur and cheered my son on years back to write a school report on of […]
Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights