> The Darkener's Console

You dodge as the thief comes in low.

Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Amish —

Maybe the Amish are on the right track after all. It’s going to continue to get harder and harder for the general population to discern between reality and a fabrication. I feel a recursive trend here. Maybe we really are living in a holographic universe.

Mudvayne – “Choices” —

A song from a long time ago that couldn’t be more relevant today in the United States (and around the world).. “Choices” (Mudvayne): Leaders are guilty of nothing They’re perfectly insane But if they’d point the finger at themselves Who would be left to blame Lead into grace Lead to corruption Ini-Mini-Miny-Mo A truth or […]

Backwater – Meat Puppets —

Yet another song that was stuck in my head when I woke up. I’d never payed attention to the lyrics though I’ve heard this song a million times. Like so many other mornings I don’t recall hearing this song anytime recently. For some reason, thinking that the reason for this is my sub/unconscious mind speaking […]

Dream —

I had a dream last night about my grandmother (my mom’s mom). She was about the age she was when I was very little, very chipper and happy, very aware and conscious. I don’t recall what we talked about but I feel it was mostly small talk. I wasn’t aware in the dream that she […]

“The Media Is” —

“The media” is. Rather, the media is simply a conduit. A platform. A “thing”. It can be used for good or for evil – to spread truth or spread lies. It 100.0% relies on whomever is using “the media” to choose the context, accuracy, editorial spin, on whatever facts or incidents have occurred. I think […]

Virtualization —

Having been researching different open source types of clustering + virtualization + cloud platform technologies (IPVS/LVS, Proxmox, corosync+pacemaker, and at the moment openstack). I feel it is a probability that, based on peoples’ ability to advance this kind of thing at such a rapid rate, that we’re all living in a simulation (virtualized environment/reality). Think […]

Detox —

Reality Is a drug I am addicted Analog frequency I hear its nuance I can tell it from the digital Pre-existence Got too close and gravity pulled me in Locomotion brought me the distance My body Is a vessel With a locked captain’s door I can rise above I can pretend I am swimming in […]

Jim Carrey —

Picture by Caitlin Cronenberg, interview by Allyson Shiffman – Full interview here “We’re a bunch of ideas cobbled together to look like a form. There’s a body and there’s a mind, but the body is part of the field of consciousness, just dancing for itself and it’s no different than a plant or a chair […]

Carl Jung on Death and Dying —

“Look forward to the next day, as if he had to spend centuries…and then he lives hopefully. But when he is afraid, when he doesn’t look forward, he looks back, it petrifies him. He gets stiff, and he dies before his time. But when he’s living on, looking forward to the great adventure that is […]

Cellphones at Concerts —

You know what would work well for artists that perform at concerts who are annoyed at everyone pointing their cell phones at them? If they (or the venue) professionally recorded each concert in high quality and distributed it to each paying concert-goer. Why have a thousand shitty videos with shitty audio flooding YouTube when you […]

Digital Freedom Denied —

-= 1 =- I am 36 years old. I currently live in a small town in Northern California, but grew up in a semi-large city of just under two-hundred thousand people. I’m married and have two children. I own my own I.T. business where I support and maintain small business computer networks. I am a […]

Media Decisions —

If major media and news outlets (including AP) made conscious decisions to promote and broadcast, not just of the U.S. but the whole world, stories that depicted generally positive news, the world economy would greatly improve. I believe that when people are happy they are more likely to work harder and spend more money. Accomplishment […]

Fear —

“Look closely at the challenges humanity has been struggling with. What is the root cause of the environmental destruction, the poverty and inequality, crime, racism, terrorism, economic instability, mindless consumerism, endless wars and skyrocketing military spending? These problems exist because the most powerful human cultures and civilizations have propagated a world view that presents life […]

Balance —

“Karate Kid” is one of those movies, to me, that describes some of the universal truths of this reality. When I was a kid I’d watch this movie because it was about a boy coming of age, learning how to kick ass and get a hot girlfriend. Little did I know that back then, the […]

Waking up —

Do you ever feel like you have the answers to life and reality when you wake up every morning, only to forget them in a matter of  seconds? I woke up this morning and was thinking about vibrational frequency and how it relates to our physical bodies (and the rest of the physical universe). What […]

Welcome to Reality —

Hello, and welcome to reality. Please buckle up! The purpose of reality is to serve you in your creative endeavors. It is a static world, which means that your actions are everlasting and have the potential to affect everything and everyone around you. Unlike other realms, reality is “sticky” by nature; it is a landscape […]