Follow the Leader —
Those who “follow the leader” are, by definition, not leaders.
The exit to the north end of the room is through huge marble pillars.
Those who “follow the leader” are, by definition, not leaders.
“You are having difficulties because you are fundamentally at conflict with your thoughts and feelings and you are using X as a weapon in this conflict. You are hoping that if you do X for long enough you won’t have to feel any of these difficult feelings. This is why it feels so uncomfortable and […]
You could say this for any belief system that people take too literally, although I do find it plausible that the orientation of the planets in our solar system has at least something to do with our moods. Force of gravity for instance – humans are made of up to 60% water. The moon pulls […]
It is easier to control people by appealing to their worst qualities rather than their best.
“You have an opinion, that’s great. But here’s data.” – L0pht (Defcon speaker, unknown date)
This came into my head when I was finishing up my Tai-Chi routine this morning: I was raised believing that there is an ‘end game’ or ‘goal’ in life. When I die, I am judged based on my actions. If I am deemed worthy to go to Heaven, I will spend eternity in bliss. If […]
Here it is, December 31st @ 8:41pm. We’re all making homemade pizza dinner and I run to the bedroom.. I turn on the light, make sure my hair looks nice, spray on a bit of cologne, maybe some eye drops.. After 16 years of marriage I feel things like this haven’t changed a bit. I […]
Some people are swung by the will of a nation.
It’s telling of the times when phone center menu systems have to use a generic term like, ‘If you’re affected by “the recent disaster”‘. …
Don’t worry, the season is only changing. These feelings are fleeting as fast as they come. We are in flux… just breathe :)
Why do some people seek to control others? Because of fear. Why fear? Because of insecurity. Why insecurity? Because of doubt. Why doubt? Because the inevitable ticking of the clock and natural growth sprouts new knowledge that may conflict with one’s old beliefs. When a mind is in conflict with itself, the weak will take […]
Much of what comprises organized religion has kept humans from progressing as a species. I’ve experienced this in my own life and I’ve seen it as an observer of this place. The problem is primarily the function of interpretation and bias. These problems are enmeshed with human defects such as greed. Together, the innocent teachings […]
“Try not to hate but to change for the better.” –Me
Balance is EVERYTHING. If we can learn balance, we can undo what has been done. If we can learn balance, we can remember who we are. If we can learn balance, we will re-sync with nature. If we can learn balance, we will realize that peace has always existed. If we can learn balance, and […]
I have faith in the world music community because I’ve learned what makes one thrive. People that care about each other – a fellowship of sorts, with a strong passion for the music – the art, the movement, the microcosms that form within the whole. Virgin sounds are created and repeated for consumption by people, […]
With the advent of the Internet, we are no longer a planet of nations. We are a planet of ideas. A planet of people who congregate based on personal interest. The lines have been blurred in our minds, and that’s important to acknowledge when it comes to realizing how collective, global change happens. The world […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought sickness, death and fear to the human species. The scientists of the world have created a vaccine, specifically designed to inoculate humans against the virus. Less the anti-vaxers, humans everywhere have spotted a bright shining light in the distance – one of hope for the future. One that broadcasts that […]
My desktops, both virtual and physical, have been a mess. As has my mind. The pattern is still somewhat of a mystery but the symptoms are showing exceptionally bright this time around. I feel as if it’s all at a climax, I’m glad I took that motorcycle ride this morning (mitigation can be fun, even […]
I know I know I know Nothing And that’s o.k. With me I learn more every day I’ve wondered why my dreams Never became reality But now I wonder how this negativity Ever had a hold on me Ever had a hold on me Funny how Long time ago I knew it all… But the […]
I’ve felt for a while now that scanning my spam/junk mail folder for legitimate mail has an inherent negative affect on my mood. I use SpamAssassin on my mailserver which takes care of the bulk of my junk mail. Even with this protection, as most know, a good amount still comes through – and introduce […]
The season is coming back around and I feel the power….of the WARRIORS! I am so happy he made yt videos. I’m in the spirit to harness the energy. BRING IT ON!! (lol) P.S. I just realized that the post linked above was literally made six years and one day apart from this one. Not […]
I find it interesting how the death rate was literally the highest at 2021/01/20, then started to fall drastically. Hmm, what happened on 2021/01/20? P.S. Annual death rate of influenza (the flu) in the U.S. is ~36,500. That’s an average taken from between 2010-2020. COVID-19 death rate is currently 560,000 for around 15 months. That’s […]
This article on affirmations is one that I will be revisiting and working on to incorporate into my life. It really struck a chord and I’m confident that it will generate successful results. What a great read. It made me exit myself and allowed me to analyze myself not unlike in a more meditative or […]
For many years I’ve used the =) as my “emoticon” (though I hate that term – it’s a smilie, damn it). Before that I generally used :> as a snarky, 14-year-old would to show how unique and cool I was compared to the lamers who always used the standard :-) of the time (~1994). In […]
I feel like I’ve been finding a *lot* of typos on technical blogs/write-ups lately. There are probably a ton on this blog too. I am my own worst enemy.
The past 10+ years have really focused on the visual senses regarding culture. The age of smartphones seem to have steered our senses toward a visually dominant experience and interaction with others. Texting, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat, Twitter, memes, blogs, all of these focus on what you can see, read and understand using your […]
The ‘week’ is a superficial construct. It’s not entirely natural, though maybe not ill intentioned. 7 days in a cycle, multiplied by 4 cycles a month. Months ‘swagger’ back and forth to compensate. The “alternative” (/s) to this manmade time-container is a more natural cycle of the moon. Something real and physical, visible and consistent. […]
I feel like we’re all playing a game of survival. I used to play “war” with my friend John Ortiz in 2nd grade. We would walk around the school’s field at recess, pretending to shoot bad guys, and occasionally get blown up by a grenade. I guess you could call it a survival game. Fortunately […]
When I was young I (mostly) followed what my dad taught me about people – that many of them are shallow and greedy. In the area I grew up, there was a big gap between the ones who made a LOT of money and the ones who didn’t. We weren’t one of the wealthy ones, […]
This… Do you think, for one solitary moment, that a leader OF ANY CALIBER being so recklessly irresponsible is somehow excusable? That one who SUPPOSEDLY understands how powerful their actions and words are, yet continues, day after day, to deconstruct the foundation of a people — should be allowed at ANY CAPACITY? Countless sacred and […]
Mahatma Gandhi said: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”