> The Darkener's Console

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Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Curse of Consciousness —

I wouldn’t recommend the pursuit of consciousness to anyone. I would not have chosen it for myself. I didn’t. It chose me. If it hasn’t called your number yet, don’t worry. It will, eventually. It will draft you from your small life and make impossible demands. You will say, “No”, “It can’t be done”, or […]

Rameses B – Meaning Of Life —

“You will simply become, completely absorbed in soundAnd therefore you will find yourself, living in an eternal nowIn which there is no past, and there is no future,It all becomes one doing… one happening You will simply become, completely absorbed in soundAnd therefore you will find yourself, living in an eternal nowIn which there is […]

Religion vs. Moral Compass —

I think that some hardcore religious folks view people who don’t believe in their religion as fundamentally bad, unenlightened or flawed. Evil, in some cases. I personally think that non-religious people are just as moral, ethical and kind as everyone else. They simply don’t subscribe to an organized, official group or way of thinking. They […]

People Problems —

Dare I say, in the United States? Child porn isn’t a technology problem. It’s a people problem. Mass shootings isn’t a gun control problem. It’s a people problem. “Far right”, Neo-Nazism and MAGA isn’t a politics problem. It’s a people problem. Human beings need to come together, now more than ever. We’ve been divided and […]

Repetition —

You wanna know the secret to success? Repetition. It’s no more complex than that. Music and rhetoric. Art and politics. You wanna steer a people? Repetition. We’re all fucking apes. We think we’re so smart, so evolved… go fuck yourself. We’re animals, feeding off of the umbilical residue of generations before us… In the end, […]

Actual Prejudice —

Listening to David Bowie’s “China Girl” this morning reminded me that I wanted to make a post about prejudice. I have a pretty simple explanation as to why prejudice is such a trigger/hot topic these days. It wasn’t such an issue not that long ago, right? People at least *somewhat* freely joked about it to […]

AI Generated Art —

AI isn’t human. It’s software. Art is works of self expression authored by humans. One feels connected to a piece by experiencing it with emotional honesty and vulnerability and genuineness, just as the creators did as they created it. Maybe not the *same* emotions; art is generally interpretative; but in it’s truest form it is […]

Energy, IMO —

Reality is, and always has been, in perfectly balanced chaos. When things become unbalanced – such as more negative vs. positive energy or vise versa, the other side fights with a vengeance to find that equilibrium. Most times it ends up overshooting and creating an opposing imbalance. I think that’s just the way it works. […]

Ah, life —

One of the most sobering things I’ve experienced in life is watching videos I’ve taken of my friends and myself in my late teens / early 20’s (I’m in my early 40’s now). We originally recorded them all on camcorders (yes kids, with actual tape) over the course of a number of years. Parties, outings, […]

Progress in My Own Mind —

I want to change my thought process when I’m studying something particularly challenging/intimidating, to seek out a flaw of any kind (a spelling/grammar error, for example) to dismiss it entirely. It’s like I do it subconsciously to guard myself from feeling inadequate for not understanding the material. I feel this is something that I’ve carried […]

How to Conquer a People —

To conquer a people, you simply need to eliminate what binds them together: mutual trust, cooperation and love. Once these are gone, it’s simply a matter of directing them to serve your selfish fucking purpose under a guise of hope to get back to where they were before you infected them in the first place.

The Innocent —

Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through […]

Once Upon a Time.. —

There was a horrible tyrant, and his henchman. The henchman was loyal, truthful and always did his best to appease his master, as he is also master of all beneath him. Though he dreamed of one day being the ruler of all, and armed with the faults he saw in the horrible tyrant, he felt […]