> The Darkener's Console

This is part of a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Real Talk —

“The strategy of lying about voter fraud, delegitimizing the election outcome and trying to suppress votes has been unmasked for the illegitimate attack on our democracy that it is, and I think that it opens a lot more doors to real conversations about how to fix our voting system and root out this cancer,” said […]

Happy New Year —

In the past I always thought of the year 2020 as very futuristic. Essentially it was 2015 from Back to the Future Part II. Pretty interesting year, 2020.. We’ll look back on it and say things like, “That was the year that was much different than the rest” and, “Everything changed after 2020”. Many years […]

Life —

I feel right now that life in its most productive state is a constant influx of change; Improvement, refining, learning. Stuff like that. With what I have been working on lately (Linux systems + network architecture) I have felt the feeling that breeds “MORE”. I am obsessed with efficiency. I drool at a shell script […]

Modern Survival —

I feel like we’re all playing a game of survival. I used to play “war” with my friend John Ortiz in 2nd grade. We would walk around the school’s field at recess, pretending to shoot bad guys, and occasionally get blown up by a grenade. I guess you could call it a survival game. Fortunately […]

Was I Was Right All Along? —

When I was young I (mostly) followed what my dad taught me about people – that many of them are shallow and greedy. In the area I grew up, there was a big gap between the ones who made a LOT of money and the ones who didn’t. We weren’t one of the wealthy ones, […]

The Gas Light is Out —

In November 2016 I was feeling pretty bummed, betrayed and worried about the next 4 years. I was at my Mom’s (an avid Trump supporter) house and she told me, “Don’t worry. You’ll see, in 4 years the world is going to be in such a better place than it is now, just trust me. […]

Narrative to sow distrust —

“What does that do to our democracy as we play out this process? What does it do to the belief in the system when 70 million people think the election was stolen,” Tolson said, referring to the popular vote total for Trump. “To me that’s the danger of this narrative, that’s the danger of this […]

Fraud —

Some quotes from r/conservative… “Even if he has in fact lost, letting the recounts and the challenges proceed is vital to fair elections and should be done. The voting process(es) is(are) broken and should be nationalized. Whether it’s systemic, prevalent, or isolated to one or two unique circumstances, it’s quite obvious that voter fraud happens. […]

Future reference —

(Taken from here – things Trump has done as president that disgraces U.S. Troops + Vets) [–]victorvictor1 Citations removed POW/MIA flag from White House https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-veterans/removal-of-flag-honoring-veterans-from-white-house-sparks-anger-idUSKBN2621DT said “My generals are a bunch of pussies” https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/highlights-woodward-trump-interviews-rage says Americans who died in war are “losers” and “suckers.” “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” […]

It’s all in the Gameplan —

This… Do you think, for one solitary moment, that a leader OF ANY CALIBER being so recklessly irresponsible is somehow excusable? That one who SUPPOSEDLY understands how powerful their actions and words are, yet continues, day after day, to deconstruct the foundation of a people — should be allowed at ANY CAPACITY? Countless sacred and […]

Frequency Mix —

I compiled this audio clip in 2004. The eerie background noise is sound from the planet Saturn that NASA had captured. The clicking sound is RF frequency bleed-over from my (then current) cellphone into my bass guitar pickups, sounding over my amp. Everything else was my mind trying to cope with the after-effects of 9/11. […]

Fall —

Tall So tall You stand and look so Sure Fall When you fall We will rule this World Don’t forget her She’s so much better You turn and she’s still There One day you know They’ll put you below And no one will even Care Love’s all you need Love’s all you need Love’s all […]

Abolishing Hate —

There are too many fingers pointing at too many discriminations. We cannot play Whac-a-Mole any longer. It’s time for people to understand that all of the injustices we are fighting to abolish have a common root: Hate. We need to abolish hate. If we cut this poisonous weed off at the root we will kill […]