> The Darkener's Console

There is a beautiful brass bauble here.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Happy New Year, 2022! —

Here it is, December 31st @ 8:41pm. We’re all making homemade pizza dinner and I run to the bedroom.. I turn on the light, make sure my hair looks nice, spray on a bit of cologne, maybe some eye drops.. After 16 years of marriage I feel things like this haven’t changed a bit. I […]

Orbit —

The more we see The planets move The more we see And if you get distracted Just close your eyes The more we believe In me and in you The more we believe And if you get distracted Just open your eyes We both know the fact is We need to go high

:gl1tch —

One of my favorite compositions and songs with :gl1tch, my first band with Jon and Matt back in 2008. Sorry for the bad quality, I don’t remember what contraption we had going on at the time =p Apart from my love of odd/free time signatures, I’m most proud of my incorporation of the Fibonacci sequence […]

Rift —

Pull me In the other direction Rift My thoughts Are scrambled With A nail in the coffin And all you’ve been scoffing And all I’ve been wanting Is to feel Lull me Into your misconception Fit You are A cannibal Gift I’ve done all my talking And you’ve started walking Away From me

Tackling Obstacles —

“When I’m scared to tackle an obstacle, I close my eyes and pretend I’m an 80 year old man who regrets not tackling all of the obstacles he wanted to in life. Then when I feel like that old man, I say to myself, “I wish I was young again”, then I open my eyes….And […]

Breathing —

I’ve found that a good way to concentrate on breathing and remain in the moment is to understand that by consciously breathing, my actual consciousness is synchronizing with my body. Syncing up like this manifests the blissfully lucid energy that is usually trapped dormant within the confines of my soul, taken hostage by obsessive thought […]


I’m feeling feelings rn so I’ll just take a big dump right here and feel better. I’m sick of people who fuck the air quality for a 100+ mile radius with arson. I’m sick of living in an air-basin. I’m sick of people who only trust those who cater to their confirmation bias. I’m sick […]

Control —

Why do some people seek to control others? Because of fear. Why fear? Because of insecurity. Why insecurity? Because of doubt. Why doubt? Because the inevitable ticking of the clock and natural growth sprouts new knowledge that may conflict with one’s old beliefs. When a mind is in conflict with itself, the weak will take […]

Religion —

Much of what comprises organized religion has kept humans from progressing as a species. I’ve experienced this in my own life and I’ve seen it as an observer of this place. The problem is primarily the function of interpretation and bias. These problems are enmeshed with human defects such as greed. Together, the innocent teachings […]

Balance is Contagious —

Balance is EVERYTHING. If we can learn balance, we can undo what has been done. If we can learn balance, we can remember who we are. If we can learn balance, we will re-sync with nature. If we can learn balance, we will realize that peace has always existed. If we can learn balance, and […]

Buy —

You can’t buy me This flows right through me You can’t gamble for forgiveness All of your attempts at this All of the points you’ve missed: You’ve spent this whole life running from yourself And now your eyes are an empty shell It’s quite obvious to all that you cry to and tell And I’ll […]

School —

Today’s the first day of school for my boys. Though it’s only been 35 minutes, and they’re just in the other room, learning from their laptops, I’ve already checked off three items on my to-do list for today. I’m almost lost; not sure what to do. I usually have had at least 3 ‘opportunities’ to […]