Control Howto —
It is easier to control people by appealing to their worst qualities rather than their best.
Above the trophy case hangs an elvish sword of great antiquity.
It is easier to control people by appealing to their worst qualities rather than their best.
I feel like major news outlets today try to keep Biden in check by reiterating what he claimed he would do when he was put in office last year and how he’s fallen short so far. Good.
I know that you’re starting to Find out the truth You’re doing the research Fight nail and tooth There’s one thing that I’ve really Been meaning to tell To the one that I know And who knows me so well It’ll blow your damn mind How we’ve all been the fool To the biggest conspiracy […]
Theory: Hard-right conservatives and Trump supporters accuse Biden of characteristics that Trump demonstrated while in office even though they bear no relation to Biden in reality. I believe they’re doing this as a subconscious action or reflex of suppressing their fear and self-admittance to having supported Trump, given the fallout and continued mountain of evidence […]
“You have an opinion, that’s great. But here’s data.” – L0pht (Defcon speaker, unknown date)
This came into my head when I was finishing up my Tai-Chi routine this morning: I was raised believing that there is an ‘end game’ or ‘goal’ in life. When I die, I am judged based on my actions. If I am deemed worthy to go to Heaven, I will spend eternity in bliss. If […]
Am I the only one who finds it distracting that music (read: audio) related resources online have such a rich visual element? Here I am with my bluetooth beanie on, connected to my phone, but at my PC doing research. I come across a music blog related to promoting independent artists. I want to stop […]
Here it is, December 31st @ 8:41pm. We’re all making homemade pizza dinner and I run to the bedroom.. I turn on the light, make sure my hair looks nice, spray on a bit of cologne, maybe some eye drops.. After 16 years of marriage I feel things like this haven’t changed a bit. I […]
I have a domain, let’s call it “networking.tld” (not really). It was obtained for my first business venture. I first purchased it when I was 22 years old, starting a technical consulting and support company with a really good friend of mine, Chris. Another good friend, Steve, was our ‘acting’ business manager. I remember us […]
Some people are swung by the will of a nation.
I found something I wrote scribbled on a paper note the other day. Don’t remember writing it super well but I like it =p — Live like you’re different But remember you’re the same Out of all the lives I’ve lived Only one thing hasn’t changed A compass can’t direct You can lead a horse […]
I want to believe In all this entropy These synchronicities Are undeniably Mine All mine I want to dismiss This negative hiss But it seeks balance It sucks me Dry So dry But I want to believe
Kamala Harris was the president of the United States for a short time today while Biden got his butt examined. She’s the first woman to ever be president of the United States, even if temporarily. It’s a historic day for America, and for once in a very long time that’s a good thing.
The more we see The planets move The more we see And if you get distracted Just close your eyes The more we believe In me and in you The more we believe And if you get distracted Just open your eyes We both know the fact is We need to go high
It’s telling of the times when phone center menu systems have to use a generic term like, ‘If you’re affected by “the recent disaster”‘. …
Wave your victim flag High and proud It’s just really sad When ignorance gets so loud
I should not absorb negative energy potential when something happens. I should let it flow directly through me and to ground.
One of my favorite compositions and songs with :gl1tch, my first band with Jon and Matt back in 2008. Sorry for the bad quality, I don’t remember what contraption we had going on at the time =p Apart from my love of odd/free time signatures, I’m most proud of my incorporation of the Fibonacci sequence […]
Is this your rapture? Lack of Synapse to capture Is it what you were waiting for? This, a glaring metaphor These beliefs are Obsolete Did they serve you well Did you escape this Hell Is this your rapture?
“I wanna publish ‘zines And rage against machines I wanna pierce my tongue, it doesn’t hurt, it feels fine“ (“Flagpole Sitta” by Harvey Danger) Fuck, I love this song.
Pull me In the other direction Rift My thoughts Are scrambled With A nail in the coffin And all you’ve been scoffing And all I’ve been wanting Is to feel Lull me Into your misconception Fit You are A cannibal Gift I’ve done all my talking And you’ve started walking Away From me
It’s raining, time to get nostalgic about BBSes :)
‘Cause they don’t have any feelings —Kurt Cobain
They don’t like my proxies Need to hack me a grub Yeah they don’t like my proxies Just don’t wanna give my blood
I could write another letter I could call you on the phone I could exercise my vocal cords Or play a sad trombone I could do so many other things But when I think of it The only thing I’d end up saying is, “I’m sick of all your shit”
“When I’m scared to tackle an obstacle, I close my eyes and pretend I’m an 80 year old man who regrets not tackling all of the obstacles he wanted to in life. Then when I feel like that old man, I say to myself, “I wish I was young again”, then I open my eyes….And […]
I’ve found that a good way to concentrate on breathing and remain in the moment is to understand that by consciously breathing, my actual consciousness is synchronizing with my body. Syncing up like this manifests the blissfully lucid energy that is usually trapped dormant within the confines of my soul, taken hostage by obsessive thought […]
I’m feeling feelings rn so I’ll just take a big dump right here and feel better. I’m sick of people who fuck the air quality for a 100+ mile radius with arson. I’m sick of living in an air-basin. I’m sick of people who only trust those who cater to their confirmation bias. I’m sick […]