> The Darkener's Console

It's pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Nothing to Gain —

I know I’ve written about Mudvayne before, and the song “Nothing to Gain” (from L.D. 50) has always stuck out to me with its eccentric time signatures. I was just listening to it again after some time. Parts of the song, including the outro, are in 17/8. Yeah, you read that right. And it fucking […]

Weighted Upvotes —

I think the social media space needs weighted upvoting. What I mean by this is that you can upvote *more* than your ‘single-vote’ count, depending on your current allotment of…oh I don’t know.. “vote currency” ? Hopefully you know what I mean. Maybe you’d get a certain amount for how much time you spend on […]

Random idea #5478237 —

(straight from the stickynote..please forgive the run-on sentences, it was a very ‘stream-of-consciousness’ thing) A cartoon musical number where Donald Trump and Eric/Don Jr/etc. are there as kids asking what they should do since they won’t be able to afford some extravagant thing if the bank loan rate is that high, and Donald burst out […]

Memory #9272748 —

My grandparents on my mother’s side had a hearing aid business/office when I was little. I remember my parents dropping me off there on occasion to “work”, my grandparents assigning me some duties such as sorting the small glossy brochures for different products. I remember sorting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, to […]

WTF Musk —

Musk has apparently gone full-on troll against Wikipedia. It’s really sad to see somebody who has done so much for scientific progress stoop so low in his public interactions. I’m honestly ashamed I ever looked up to him as an entrepreneur and cheered my son on years back to write a school report on of […]

Heels —

You’re pathetic But to your credit You’re the main character I don’t get it Sucks up your debt For all it’s worth Dig in your heels Big in the feels You don’t see what’s real You don’t see what’s real Win one over, nothing is colder, but you’ve got a coat So far ahead, but […]

Luddites vs. Loom Machines —

There’s a lot to be worried about in this late-stage of capitalism and humans.. AI infiltrating art itself, for example. What humans need is a universal agreement that technology != art. We need to separate art and technology. We’ve got to understand again that the value of art is that it is created by humans […]

45 —

He’s currently shifting posture to include even more calls for violence and more general focus on weaponry (guns specifically). This guy is desperate. Be aware, to those who easily hear his dog whistles (everybody?).

Two sides —

Don’t you come around here No don’t you come ’round here Don’t you come around here No don’t you… Think you know it all Yeah think you know it Think you know it all Yeah think you know it Take a step back, and see… There’s two sides to every story Come on there’s two […]

Tom Tucker..I mean, wait —

“Begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work. I mean what’s next?“ Uhm, I’m sorry – “none of them work” ? It’s working. You’re just fucking scared because we haven’t given up yet, and things are finally coming to a […]

Adults and Responsibility —

Here’s a good quote about adults who fail to take responsibility in their lives. Pay attention to the last paragraph – it’s telling. “Some people are good at being responsible adults. They make conscious, informed decisions about their lives and as a result are confident, secure and productive. Some people prefer to abdicate their personal […]