> The Darkener's Console

The troll's axe barely misses your ear.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Why I still use a Palm Pilot (gasp!) —

Ok so I guess I’m a bit biased – I’ve been using Palms (and earlier PDAs) for a long time. I’m 34 now, and I started using PDAs when I was 16 (yeah, I’m a computer nerd). I’ve been able to keep the same memos, address book, and date book for a very, very long […]

Waking up —

Do you ever feel like you have the answers to life and reality when you wake up every morning, only to forget them in a matter of  seconds? I woke up this morning and was thinking about vibrational frequency and how it relates to our physical bodies (and the rest of the physical universe). What […]

Welcome to Reality —

Hello, and welcome to reality. Please buckle up! The purpose of reality is to serve you in your creative endeavors. It is a static world, which means that your actions are everlasting and have the potential to affect everything and everyone around you. Unlike other realms, reality is “sticky” by nature; it is a landscape […]

Music —

Music doesn’t require image. Music doesn’t want image. Music is sound. I wish we focused as much on audio as we did on our visual senses. Is this evolution? I beg to differ. A temporary disruption in input, IRQ bank full. Focus on what is at hand. Don’t be distracted.

Water —

Just got back this morning from fetching water from the popular Rattlesnake Spring. Usually a once-a-month trek to fill our drinking/cooking water reserves up (9 x 5gal bottles, 45gal total). I got started a bit late this morning (6am), but nobody was there for the duration of time I was there. Took me about 6.5min […]

tmux —

I used to (casually) use screen, but then desired something that would display multiple terminals simultaneously. I also wanted to be able to type and have it echo into all terminals (useful for updating multiple servers and other general sysadmin stuff). I remember a couple different people (likely including, but not limited to greenfly, ttkay […]

shadow —

    This riff’s working title comes from the Commodore 64 version of the video game Shamus. My older brother and sister and I would play this game growing up. I still get nervous anticipating the arrival of The Shadow. This loop shares similarities with a song I created in MadTracker a few years ago.