> The Darkener's Console

A solid rainbow spans the falls.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Make it Happen —

I can’t change games within the rules I don’t climb mountains as a fool Circles, circles all around me All this wasted energy I want to kill, then create with you Don’t you want to change it, too? I want to turn this upside-down Shake them up and drop them down Watch ’em scatter in […]

Media Decisions —

If major media and news outlets (including AP) made conscious decisions to promote and broadcast, not just of the U.S. but the whole world, stories that depicted generally positive news, the world economy would greatly improve. I believe that when people are happy they are more likely to work harder and spend more money. Accomplishment […]

Same —

We are the same person When you hurt me, you hurt yourself And when I hurt you, I’m really hurting Myself I am the afterbirth, and In this world I comfort self, and Unfurl this mess This mess So close But so far away Let me ride this rocketship The other way I’m closer than […]

Sincerely, Jordan —

I bet a lot of people (mostly my business clients) don’t realize that at the end of most of my e-mails, the “Sincerely, Jordan” is actually hand-typed and not an auto-signature. Yep, I type it every time. Because I mean it. Sincerely, Jordan

Grunge —

  The other night I was bored and did a search on “grunge” on YouTube. I found this ~45m Grunge documentary that VH1 did and watched it. I was born in 1980 so my pre teen and teenage years were heavily influenced musically by grunge. While my first tapes purchased (apart from the oldies tapes […]

Dream Brother —

Last night I went back in time Met my brother, classroom outside He was glad to see me He thought I was forty These spaces are so easy I can move about them freely And I need to show you somehow I need to show me somehow… We aren’t locked in here This distress is […]

Fear —

“Look closely at the challenges humanity has been struggling with. What is the root cause of the environmental destruction, the poverty and inequality, crime, racism, terrorism, economic instability, mindless consumerism, endless wars and skyrocketing military spending? These problems exist because the most powerful human cultures and civilizations have propagated a world view that presents life […]

Balance —

“Karate Kid” is one of those movies, to me, that describes some of the universal truths of this reality. When I was a kid I’d watch this movie because it was about a boy coming of age, learning how to kick ass and get a hot girlfriend. Little did I know that back then, the […]

Nerd? —

                    Is it bad that I think after a long day of Linux sysadmin projects, I feel that I need to ‘unwind’ by cutting the excess slack off of my primary Internet Ethernet cable and re-crimp a new RJ-45 end onto it (with sleeves! Woo!), so […]

I am a Laser —

I’ve had this idea brewing since 2011. It has manifested, evolved, shaped itself through my constant attention and dedication. I have a firm grip on my vision and its potential. I know, and have known for a very long time that my project is *huge*. I say this with as little bias as possible – […]

E-mail links via click-trackers —

I rarely click on links in advertising/marketing e-mails (which I’ve opted-in, mind you) that travel through click-trackers such as Constant Contact (though those are one of the more reputable ones). I guess I feel that when I hover the cursor over the link, the text in my browser’s bottom left corner should be going to […]

Dark Forces / Innerlink BBS —

              This post is about my former Bulletin Board System (BBS) which ran in Santa Rosa and Rohnert Park / Sonoma County, California from around 1996-2001. “Dark Forces” was re-named to “Innerlink” after Midas had ceased to be a co-SysOp – to preserve the original SysOps (The Darkener & […]

Rhythm —

Rhythm is everything in music. It’s everything important about composing a song. It doesn’t matter if you’re a guitarist, drummer, pianist, anything. You build a foundation with rhythm. Melody comes after rhythm. Melody is color, it’s spice… it’s the salt + pepper to the meat + veg which is rhythm. If you find a unique […]

Why “The Darkener” ? —

Not sure which BBS this was on, may have been my own (Dark Forces / Innerlink).. The year was 1996 and the message base was dedicated to users’ L.O.R.D. (Legend of the Red Dragon) character descriptions. “The Darkener” was my first longstanding online alias and has stuck with me through the fall of BBSes and […]

Woot!! —

I just got “thedarkener.com” !!! This site will transition to the new domain name in the next couple of days. Finally, the rightful owner has it – the mysterious, dark Warrior (Death-Knight, actually) from Legend of the Red Dragon. I fucking love the Internet. =p

Sitting in a remote office —

Roadwarriors know what it means to be able to pack a bag. Being mobile is very important to me and my line of work – I’ve come to depend on certain devices, tools and methods to not only make myself comfortable and able to work but to simply stay sane. There are too many things […]

Periscope #2 —

So I’ve spent another day with Periscope being at the center of my ‘lazy’ attention span(s) throughout the day. A few observations: 1) I can tell that the fever will die down very quickly with its current feature set. The Periscope devs will really need to dig deep into what it means to livestream your […]

Periscope #1 —

I’ve been infatuated with Periscope for the past few days. I’ve hardly been on Facebook. I don’t even *care* about Facebook anymore. I do admit I didn’t care very much about it already, but Periscope has become a really good reason not to waste time on Facebook feeling part-way disconnected from my friends. Living through […]

The NSA Agent in My Dream —

Last night I had an incredibly vivid dream (one of a few, actually). In this particular dream sequence I had parked my car on a busy block and for some reason that escapes me, was walking around the block to get back to it. I was looking down at the sidewalk and found a couple […]

I am the Reflector —

I am the Reflector Direct it from me Push hands Invade my consciousness It bleeds around me I hold my force field It subsides It will come again I’ll feel nothing It may linger closer I’ll accidentally let it in Inevitability We share the space And even if we didn’t I would find it somewhere […]

The Fountain —

The Fountain At times we pull from it Stronger than others Sometimes it runs dry And we die of dehydration It is the thing that we live from We cannot pinpoint But when it is here We know it We drink it We live it Spread your arms and yell Keep the feeling close We […]

Benceno —

This is a poem by someone on IRC named Benceno around 2003. He had written this and shared it in the channel (#poetry on DalNet I think). It was really cool, and I told him I liked it a lot and he seemed to take offense to it (he might not have believed I was […]

Storm Through the Oceans —

Storm thorugh the oceans But keep the moon in place Thrash through the desert As long as I see your face Keep it coming I can take anything Now You hide behind curtains And the diamonds blind my eyes A million treasured glimpses of, Those bright, bright bursts of light Keep me thinking… Keep me […]