> The Darkener's Console

The trap door crashes shut, and you hear someone barring it.

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

My Predictions for Things to Invest in —

Desalinization technologies Renewable (solar/wind) energies Open and moral A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) systems Autonomous vehicles (cars, but moreso drones/quadcopters, including passenger and freight/non) and autonomous vehicle networks Freight/shipping services (FedEx/UPS/etc.) Open Source security-focused hardware and software Electronic voting machines with paper receipts

Facebook Privacy —

You know, I would hope that people in general would have understood that Facebook is free for a reason when they signed up. You need to keep your defenses up just because of the nature of their business. They sell ads, ok? With a network so large you need to expect that “big players” are […]

He’s doing it —

He’s doing what he set out to do. Just because Bannon is out doesn’t mean the goal has changed. Look at his words, his actions. He is sabotaging stability on multiple fronts. You can’t say that what he’s doing is a mistake or that he’s overlooking alternatives. It is plainly obvious to me that they […]

“The Media Is” —

“The media” is. Rather, the media is simply a conduit. A platform. A “thing”. It can be used for good or for evil – to spread truth or spread lies. It 100.0% relies on whomever is using “the media” to choose the context, accuracy, editorial spin, on whatever facts or incidents have occurred. I think […]

When You’re High —

You crave the wonderful heightened sensations and pleasures given from food, music, touch, and sight but your general stability becomes compromised – which manifests itself as anxiety to non-real issues, apathy towards effort and ultimately altogether creating an aversion towards the (at that point in time) seemingly underwhelming and boring world of sobriety.

Conversation with my Dad —

I was talking on the phone with my dad the other night about business, money and character. I was telling him a story about how I had worked for a public school district for a couple of years as an I.T. contractor long ago. I was making good money and had there was much opportunity […]

Training the World —

Backwards as fuck Imagine the luck Concrete evidence Disregarded Clown shoes Pathetic roos You think we’re entertained You think the world is entrained And maybe “we” are Complacent in numbers Dumbfounded and blundered But not all of us are naive Your game is pathetic We deserve more honesty But you want to trick the rest […]

“Work” mates —

I’m thankful for those I “work” with. Colleagues become friends unexpectedly at times, showing how much I have in common with them. IRL is irrelevant. IRC is the medium. Working on a common goal solidifies intent. I feel today has been an important milestone, even if nothing “real” happened. We are completing the steps methodically, […]

“Lightning” – :gl1tch —

One of my favorite songs from the first real band I was a part of (2006-2008). I made this song in my first years learning bass. This band is one I primarily think of when depicting friends that decide to make music together. There’s no music created that’s more awesome than that, no matter what […]

Rehash —

Rehash You think you’re so suave Making new on the old Different gen, different gen Press play for your memories again Die Go away forever I don’t need your direction Fly Taste the shitty weather Rehash it all again I see your loop But I’m in debt to your coop I want to move with […]

Regarding Digesting Independent Music —

I feel like listening to independently created music would be much better if it was performed live. Listening to recorded and mixed tracks with rough and raw vocals/instrumentation gives me an uncomfortable feeling. It’s not the artists’ fault, they’re trying to present themselves as well as possible. The thing is, when I hear heavily mixed/mastered […]

Virtualization —

Having been researching different open source types of clustering + virtualization + cloud platform technologies (IPVS/LVS, Proxmox, corosync+pacemaker, and at the moment openstack). I feel it is a probability that, based on peoples’ ability to advance this kind of thing at such a rapid rate, that we’re all living in a simulation (virtualized environment/reality). Think […]

Detox —

Reality Is a drug I am addicted Analog frequency I hear its nuance I can tell it from the digital Pre-existence Got too close and gravity pulled me in Locomotion brought me the distance My body Is a vessel With a locked captain’s door I can rise above I can pretend I am swimming in […]

Jim Carrey —

Picture by Caitlin Cronenberg, interview by Allyson Shiffman – Full interview here “We’re a bunch of ideas cobbled together to look like a form. There’s a body and there’s a mind, but the body is part of the field of consciousness, just dancing for itself and it’s no different than a plant or a chair […]

Emulate —

What I want to be Is like grasping at straws Can’t get enough, enough I want to emulate Pedestal soaring above my head A monolith, a twin tower All I want is to endow her I am not fed from your plate I want to emulate Emulate What I need to be Contains all of […]