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Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Money and Power —

“A US government report last year said the nation should invest more in supercomputing, to keep pace with China on defense projects such as nuclear weapons and hypersonic aircraft, and commercial innovations in aerospace, oil discovery, and pharmaceuticals.” But nothing about using it to study the global environment or, more specifically, reversing the trend of […]

Backwater – Meat Puppets —

Yet another song that was stuck in my head when I woke up. I’d never payed attention to the lyrics though I’ve heard this song a million times. Like so many other mornings I don’t recall hearing this song anytime recently. For some reason, thinking that the reason for this is my sub/unconscious mind speaking […]

Fluoride Controversy —

So I was reading this article on Slashdot about a reporter visiting a Flat-Earther Convention and they mentioned receiving a gift of non-Fluoride toothpaste (and began talking about the “conspiracy theory” behind it). This was my comment, which I think accurately sums up my thoughts on Fluoride: “So I’m not a “Flat-Earther” or whatever you […]

Dream —

I had a dream last night about my grandmother (my mom’s mom). She was about the age she was when I was very little, very chipper and happy, very aware and conscious. I don’t recall what we talked about but I feel it was mostly small talk. I wasn’t aware in the dream that she […]

DubFX – “Made” —

This is what true artists do to make it. LYRICS: I’ve got my eyes open wide to the ceiling I’m lying on my back in the center of a room I’ve got a voice giving me a funny feeling Its telling me the world’s going to end real soon I’ve got to get a job […]

Eulogy —

Ben Kenney is a madman. What an awesome song, what an awesome musician. LYRICS: If I die from Something so much less than smart Know you’ve always held my heart Even if we’re torn apart If I leave you Underdone and under whelmed Just remember how it felt Try to think of how it felt […]

Toes —

Standing on your toes for a picture You know the recipe Wash through the masses With hidden corpses With your own forces With smiles and lies Comprimise Majority Kill me The stage is so relentless Watered down and bent, this The state is so relentless Bend, this

My Predictions for Things to Invest in —

Desalinization technologies Renewable (solar/wind) energies Open and moral A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) systems Autonomous vehicles (cars, but moreso drones/quadcopters, including passenger and freight/non) and autonomous vehicle networks Freight/shipping services (FedEx/UPS/etc.) Open Source security-focused hardware and software Electronic voting machines with paper receipts

Facebook Privacy —

You know, I would hope that people in general would have understood that Facebook is free for a reason when they signed up. You need to keep your defenses up just because of the nature of their business. They sell ads, ok? With a network so large you need to expect that “big players” are […]

He’s doing it —

He’s doing what he set out to do. Just because Bannon is out doesn’t mean the goal has changed. Look at his words, his actions. He is sabotaging stability on multiple fronts. You can’t say that what he’s doing is a mistake or that he’s overlooking alternatives. It is plainly obvious to me that they […]

“The Media Is” —

“The media” is. Rather, the media is simply a conduit. A platform. A “thing”. It can be used for good or for evil – to spread truth or spread lies. It 100.0% relies on whomever is using “the media” to choose the context, accuracy, editorial spin, on whatever facts or incidents have occurred. I think […]

When You’re High —

You crave the wonderful heightened sensations and pleasures given from food, music, touch, and sight but your general stability becomes compromised – which manifests itself as anxiety to non-real issues, apathy towards effort and ultimately altogether creating an aversion towards the (at that point in time) seemingly underwhelming and boring world of sobriety.

Conversation with my Dad —

I was talking on the phone with my dad the other night about business, money and character. I was telling him a story about how I had worked for a public school district for a couple of years as an I.T. contractor long ago. I was making good money and had there was much opportunity […]