> The Darkener's Console

A skeleton, probably the remains of a luckless adventurer, lies here.

Archive for the ‘[OC] Original Content’ Category

Fall (alt.) —

TallSo tallYou stand and act soSure FallWhen you fallWe will heal thisWorld Don’t forget usYeah, you’ll regret usYou turn and we’re stillThere One day you knowThey’ll put you belowAnd no one will evenCare — SmallSo smallBut you think that you’re theOne FallWhen you fallWe’ll know that it isDone Don’t forget itYeah, you’ll regret itYou turn […]

Stalker – New Layer —

I haven’t played this song in decades but last night I was listening to some old tracks on my Soundcloud. Interestingly enough I didn’t play this song, but this morning I randomly started playing it (I haven’t picked up my bass in weeks =( ) I started recording and came up with a cool and […]

Coincide —

Looking at you, likeYou could see what I do Showing you the songsThat made me feel likeIt was all worth somethingAnd I got so lucky… Now I want to spread it out far and wide, toCatch you all on this rideWhat’s yours is also mineIt can all coincideIt can all coincide

Kamakazi —

Why does it have to be this way?I’ve done everything My soul turns to blackI cannot escape thisI can’t take this anymoreFighting for scraps Selling myself to the ones I hateThe ones that are killing us all “Stand for something”KamakaziKamakaziKamakazi I just want to be freeI want to believeBut with all I give,All I get […]

Repetition —

You wanna know the secret to success? Repetition. It’s no more complex than that. Music and rhetoric. Art and politics. You wanna steer a people? Repetition. We’re all fucking apes. We think we’re so smart, so evolved… go fuck yourself. We’re animals, feeding off of the umbilical residue of generations before us… In the end, […]

Heels —

You’re pathetic But to your credit You’re the main character I don’t get it Sucks up your debt For all it’s worth Dig in your heels Big in the feels You don’t see what’s real You don’t see what’s real Win one over, nothing is colder, but you’ve got a coat So far ahead, but […]

Two sides —

Don’t you come around here No don’t you come ’round here Don’t you come around here No don’t you… Think you know it all Yeah think you know it Think you know it all Yeah think you know it Take a step back, and see… There’s two sides to every story Come on there’s two […]

Hollow —

It sounds like you But it’s hollow It’s soul is ruined It’s so shallow Replicating nuance like autotune Fooled some, but not all They say it’s coming soon You won’t be able to tell It’s hollow Tomorrow You can’t emulate the soul Impossible

Myspace error —

I made this with a text-to-speech program (festival IIRC) in 2007. I put it on my band‘s MySpace page music player in an attempt to rouse listeners’ curiosity. Also I’ve always been a wannabe hacker and thought it was fun to come up with the content. Enjoy ;)

The Innocent —

Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through […]

Boulevard Park —

We ordered Mexican food from a local place off of E. Holly St. and took it down to Boulevard Park. We found a nice picnic bench and as we made our way toward it, a man played a Melodica. The Sun was setting beautifully over the islands. There were many people there, yet the park […]

Giraffes Don’t Exist —

I know that you’re starting to Find out the truth You’re doing the research Fight nail and tooth There’s one thing that I’ve really Been meaning to tell To the one that I know And who knows me so well It’ll blow your damn mind How we’ve all been the fool To the biggest conspiracy […]

Orbit —

The more we see The planets move The more we see And if you get distracted Just close your eyes The more we believe In me and in you The more we believe And if you get distracted Just open your eyes We both know the fact is We need to go high

Rift —

Pull me In the other direction Rift My thoughts Are scrambled With A nail in the coffin And all you’ve been scoffing And all I’ve been wanting Is to feel Lull me Into your misconception Fit You are A cannibal Gift I’ve done all my talking And you’ve started walking Away From me