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Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Mudvayne – Mercy, Severity —

Mudvayne are genius musicians. Hidden in the hardcore math-metal progressions and guttural screams is an intricately composed symphony with accompanying lyrics. Absolutely amazing work in my opinion. Lyrics: We’ve come here from so far away I can save you if you leave it all behind This suffering’s been far too long Would you take a […]

Performing Music —

What I learned about performing music (in the handful of times I actually have gotten to) was that you don’t have to play every note perfectly. Stage presence is more than half of what people remember. It’s the passion you have that is what makes the art awesome, and people resonate with that more than […]

Little White Lies —

(Instrumental acoustic guitar – work in progress) Lyrics: Your little white lies They’re passing me by You think I’m a fool You got things to do Your little white lies You don’t even try I was always there for you I’m so through with you I’m gonna rise above it So take your words and […]

Van Halen – “Balance” —

I’m currently listening to this for the first time since the mid-90’s (my brother owned this tape along with other Van Halen albums, my gratitude goes out to him for introducing me to then “modern” rock music and not just the oldies that our father’s jukebox played and the cheezy light-pop music of the local […]

Mudvayne – “Choices” —

A song from a long time ago that couldn’t be more relevant today in the United States (and around the world).. “Choices” (Mudvayne): Leaders are guilty of nothing They’re perfectly insane But if they’d point the finger at themselves Who would be left to blame Lead into grace Lead to corruption Ini-Mini-Miny-Mo A truth or […]

Backwater – Meat Puppets —

Yet another song that was stuck in my head when I woke up. I’d never payed attention to the lyrics though I’ve heard this song a million times. Like so many other mornings I don’t recall hearing this song anytime recently. For some reason, thinking that the reason for this is my sub/unconscious mind speaking […]

DubFX – “Made” —

This is what true artists do to make it. LYRICS: I’ve got my eyes open wide to the ceiling I’m lying on my back in the center of a room I’ve got a voice giving me a funny feeling Its telling me the world’s going to end real soon I’ve got to get a job […]

Conversation with my Dad —

I was talking on the phone with my dad the other night about business, money and character. I was telling him a story about how I had worked for a public school district for a couple of years as an I.T. contractor long ago. I was making good money and had there was much opportunity […]

“Lightning” – :gl1tch —

One of my favorite songs from the first real band I was a part of (2006-2008). I made this song in my first years learning bass. This band is one I primarily think of when depicting friends that decide to make music together. There’s no music created that’s more awesome than that, no matter what […]

Regarding Digesting Independent Music —

I feel like listening to independently created music would be much better if it was performed live. Listening to recorded and mixed tracks with rough and raw vocals/instrumentation gives me an uncomfortable feeling. It’s not the artists’ fault, they’re trying to present themselves as well as possible. The thing is, when I hear heavily mixed/mastered […]

Karamu Poutama —

Open your third eye, And cry for the first time, Feel the wonder unwind and medicate your mind, Walk bare feet on the grass, breathe each breath, as if it were your last Look to the future, step with the past, only way you miss it is by walking too fast. Two eyes for lookin’ […]

Carpet Ride —

Seems all the ones from When I was young are Leaving Seems that all who sung from The heart soul and lungs aren’t Breathing, Anymore… Is it true That times are gone For honest men? And now even you Won’t sing your songs Again… I’ll try to Keep my head up high Put my sorrows […]

Play to the Drummer —

I feel no dumber It’s a sausage cucumber I’ll take a number You’ll never make it And I can’t fake it Don’t try and take it No I’ll never Play to the drummer Play to the drummer I’m winter to your summer Guess I’m that much dumber I’ll take a number

Spray —

You don’t wanna talk No you don’t wanna talk Got your tail between your legs Guess I put you in your place What did I have to do Were you convincing me Or maybe just you And the ones that used to know you, too I get what you want But you’re stuck in a […]

shadow —

    This riff’s working title comes from the Commodore 64 version of the video game Shamus. My older brother and sister and I would play this game growing up. I still get nervous anticipating the arrival of The Shadow. This loop shares similarities with a song I created in MadTracker a few years ago.