> The Darkener's Console

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Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Fall (alt.) —

TallSo tallYou stand and act soSure FallWhen you fallWe will heal thisWorld Don’t forget usYeah, you’ll regret usYou turn and we’re stillThere One day you knowThey’ll put you belowAnd no one will evenCare — SmallSo smallBut you think that you’re theOne FallWhen you fallWe’ll know that it isDone Don’t forget itYeah, you’ll regret itYou turn […]

Stalker – New Layer —

I haven’t played this song in decades but last night I was listening to some old tracks on my Soundcloud. Interestingly enough I didn’t play this song, but this morning I randomly started playing it (I haven’t picked up my bass in weeks =( ) I started recording and came up with a cool and […]

Rameses B – Meaning Of Life —

“You will simply become, completely absorbed in soundAnd therefore you will find yourself, living in an eternal nowIn which there is no past, and there is no future,It all becomes one doing… one happening You will simply become, completely absorbed in soundAnd therefore you will find yourself, living in an eternal nowIn which there is […]

ToTD —

That quote in red defines how I feel music should be treated by every true artist at its core — a foundational, instinctual motive to create music not for profit, but for expression. Everything after that is just icing on the cake.

Nothing to Gain —

I know I’ve written about Mudvayne before, and the song “Nothing to Gain” (from L.D. 50) has always stuck out to me with its eccentric time signatures. I was just listening to it again after some time. Parts of the song, including the outro, are in 17/8. Yeah, you read that right. And it fucking […]

Nada Surf —

I got High/Low at a thrift store a few months ago – I almost didn’t, but always did enjoy “Popular”. Low and behold, this album has become one of my “new-old” favorites. All of the songs seem very well done and are thoughtful pieces for that genre. I always thought they were one-hit wonders but […]

Sound vs. Image —

It’s honestly hard for me to get motivated by venues’ emails with upcoming shows. All the relevant info is there – Artist names, genre(s) and styles, the date of the show…a few even have links for Spotify which I appreciate. But then there’s the professionally taken band image. Everybody trying to ‘look’ like something, like […]

Tesla – Solution —

Back before Elon Musk’s electric car company, there was the rock band that actually wanted to be named “City Kidd”. They got the message back then about global warming. I had the CD this track was on when it came out. I was a teenager and recently obtained it again in my early 40’s. I […]

:gl1tch —

One of my favorite compositions and songs with :gl1tch, my first band with Jon and Matt back in 2008. Sorry for the bad quality, I don’t remember what contraption we had going on at the time =p Apart from my love of odd/free time signatures, I’m most proud of my incorporation of the Fibonacci sequence […]

I don’t remember writing this, but I know I did —

I have faith in the world music community because I’ve learned what makes one thrive. People that care about each other – a fellowship of sorts, with a strong passion for the music – the art, the movement, the microcosms that form within the whole. Virgin sounds are created and repeated for consumption by people, […]

30 Years Ago Today —

Over the years I’ve written a few posts about what this band meant to me. It’s funny that even as I was writing about ToTD back then, that the band was putting a second, completely separate and just as powerful impression on me through my learning about Andrew Wood and the core of how things […]

Fall —

Tall So tall You stand and look so Sure Fall When you fall We will rule this World Don’t forget her She’s so much better You turn and she’s still There One day you know They’ll put you below And no one will even Care Love’s all you need Love’s all you need Love’s all […]

Stargazer —

If, in some parallel universe, there existed an 8-bit video game about Mother Love Bone‘s quest for stardom – Stargazer would be the music that plays on the continue screen when you “die” (no pun intended…ugh..sorry Andy lol). I think this is because I feel it’s somewhat similar intro tune to what I remember was […]

“Uncle Sam” – The Terrorists —

EDIT 2020/02/27: I always imagined the bridge (@ 1:51) of the eventual studio recorded version of this song would contain various clips from newscasters describing war scenes, current situations and general wartime fearmongering in a fictional war between the U.S. (the aggressor) and a random foreign country. As the bridge builds, the audio clips get […]

Headphones —

“Headphones make their own rules of etiquette. We assume that people wearing them are busy or oblivious, so now people wear them to appear busy or oblivious — even without music. Wearing soundless headphones is now a common solution to productivity blocks. Baldwin’s invention for the Navy has become a social accessory with a explicit […]

Lucy —

“It had to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind. Why is it that people think it’s so evil? What is it about it, that scares people so deeply? Because they’re afraid that there is more to reality than they have confronted. That there are doors that they’re afraid to go in, and […]

Synchronize —

I picked up my bass for the first time in a little while. I ignored everything around me and just played for a few minutes. I was able to get lost in the melodies/loops I was playing fairly quickly this time. I realized that for having been away from playing for a while the purpose […]

Cigarette Girl (Studio) —

Me on bass with The Terrorists circa 2008 (Justin Sweet on Drums, Travis Brunetti on vox+guitar). You know at first I thought the main riff for this was cheesy, but it grew on me after we practiced it. Still one of my favorites that we played. I liked the live versions better, Travis normally used […]