> The Darkener's Console

Your sword has begun to glow very brightly.

Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Positive Speed Sign —

I want to produce a radar speed sign that, instead of flashing and telling you to slow down if you are going over the speed limit (negative), shows an animation of balloons + dancing people when you are at or below speed limit (positive). I’ve actually wanted for a long time to be able to […]

Super C —

I don’t know if I could ever play 2 player with anyone besides my old friends Travis Senneff or Johnathan Faux. – I take my Super C strategies seriously. There has to be a strong link and sense of collective survival, otherwise I just would rather go it alone. No offense, it’s just easier that […]

Transcripted Voicemail —

it’s-space(?) when I came-i-don’t-go(?) over there with and answer any dental vehicle but I don’t not able to plug in for myself of something that’s just i’d(?) contact the center-so(?) we’ll probably be over the-way(?) so I want to see if they see if they both they-face(?) single see if they really won’t know.”