> The Darkener's Console

Bloodstains and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls.

Archive for the ‘/dev/random’ Category

School —

Today’s the first day of school for my boys. Though it’s only been 35 minutes, and they’re just in the other room, learning from their laptops, I’ve already checked off three items on my to-do list for today. I’m almost lost; not sure what to do. I usually have had at least 3 ‘opportunities’ to […]

Quarter ’til New —

My desktops, both virtual and physical, have been a mess. As has my mind. The pattern is still somewhat of a mystery but the symptoms are showing exceptionally bright this time around. I feel as if it’s all at a climax, I’m glad I took that motorcycle ride this morning (mitigation can be fun, even […]

Life —

I feel right now that life in its most productive state is a constant influx of change; Improvement, refining, learning. Stuff like that. With what I have been working on lately (Linux systems + network architecture) I have felt the feeling that breeds “MORE”. I am obsessed with efficiency. I drool at a shell script […]

What if? (#1) —

What if when people die, they are able to “read” or somehow “teleport” into others’ minds that are still alive? Influence their decisions, give them little “clues” or whatever… I know, sounds like Schizophrenia, right? But seriously. What if?

Stargazer —

If, in some parallel universe, there existed an 8-bit video game about Mother Love Bone‘s quest for stardom – Stargazer would be the music that plays on the continue screen when you “die” (no pun intended…ugh..sorry Andy lol). I think this is because I feel it’s somewhat similar intro tune to what I remember was […]

Super C —

I don’t know if I could ever play 2 player with anyone besides my old friends Travis Senneff or Johnathan Faux. – I take my Super C strategies seriously. There has to be a strong link and sense of collective survival, otherwise I just would rather go it alone. No offense, it’s just easier that […]

reCaptcha v3 —

I’m impressed with reCaptcha v3. I haven’t gotten any spam through my contact forms on various sites I manage since I installed it. The best part is that I don’t have to subject any innocent people to clicking on endless pictures of storefronts, cars and traffic signals. I fucking hate that shit. I hate it […]

Feelings —

There are events in my life that have evoked immense feelings. These feelings are very much personal in that I cannot transfer them to another person in a loss-less format. Meaning, I cannot create the exact same feelings in someone that I felt myself during those events. And logically so – we are all individuals […]

d3cl4r4710n 0f 1nd3p3nd3nc3 —

3 h0ld 7h353 7ru7h5 70 b3 53lf-3v1d3n7, 7h47 4ll m3n 4r3 cr3473d 3qu4l, 7h47 7h3y 4r3 3nd0w3d by 7h31r cr3470r w17h c3r741n un4l13n4bl3 r16h75, 7h47 4m0n6 7h353 4r3 l1f3, l1b3r7y 4nd 7h3 pur5u17 0f h4pp1n355.–7h47 70 53cur3 7h353 r16h75, 60v3rnm3n75 4r3 1n5717u73d 4m0n6 m3n, d3r1v1n6 7h31r ju57 p0w3r5 fr0m 7h3 c0n53n7 0f 7h3 60v3rn3d, –7h47 […]

Buzzwords —

“Hyper[insertwordhere]” is becoming annoying. I noticed this buzzword during the 2016 U.S. presidential elections and it seems to still be going strong. It’s annoying, but also interesting as a study in popular journalism trends. Trendsetters can use words like this to ‘boost’ their stories and ideas because of the effect of familiarity and repetition. Which […]