Jujitsu —
There is a skeleton key here.
Put THAT in your .vimrc and smoke it.
I’m just riffin’ daaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwggg….but podcasts are kinda like virtual friends that talk to you about stuff you both like. You don’t get to talk back, but there’s still a connection because it feels like they’re talking to you. There are so many out there, it’s a different social ecosystem than any other. There is commercialization […]
I hate how ‘AI’ is replacing traditional keyword type search. I feel like I have to spawn an extra process in my brain just to try to figure out what the ‘AI’ wants from me, so I can formulate my search accordingly. JUST LET ME FUCKING TYPE IN WORDS. I don’t want to PRETEND LIKE […]
Sometimes I feel like I’m playing out a an existential role as some former god who’s battling evil via proxy of technology.
I think AI is best when coupled with arms. And legs. And hands. That can sort through my receipts, do my dishes and laundry… Basically, Rosey from The Jetsons. Why don’t we have that?
You reap what you sow.
It’s weird. Instagram, to me, feels like an 80’s music video (VH1 or MTV, pick one) where everyone is looking directly at the camera and singing, but it’s all cut together like public access.
I’m caught between my irritation of my neighbor’s kids going outside every day to play, screaming/yelling everything for hours outside my office window… and my jealousy of them enjoying being outside so much.
I think the social media space needs weighted upvoting. What I mean by this is that you can upvote *more* than your ‘single-vote’ count, depending on your current allotment of…oh I don’t know.. “vote currency” ? Hopefully you know what I mean. Maybe you’d get a certain amount for how much time you spend on […]
CC is like open sharing, but with teeth.
(straight from the stickynote..please forgive the run-on sentences, it was a very ‘stream-of-consciousness’ thing) A cartoon musical number where Donald Trump and Eric/Don Jr/etc. are there as kids asking what they should do since they won’t be able to afford some extravagant thing if the bank loan rate is that high, and Donald burst out […]
My grandparents on my mother’s side had a hearing aid business/office when I was little. I remember my parents dropping me off there on occasion to “work”, my grandparents assigning me some duties such as sorting the small glossy brochures for different products. I remember sorting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, to […]
Yeah, it’s scary. Do it anyway.
I wonder if the big social networks (looking at you Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) artificially slow their site responses to inflate the “time spent on our platform” KPI.
How hard is an honest apology to some people? …Or is it just not in them?
When I read the news I always really hope that he’s a dead corpse now
Since when did trolls become oblivious to their own trolling?
Yesterday I was listening to Lithium on Sirius XM and within 4 songs, Porno for Pyros’ “Pets” and Blur’s “Song 2” played, and that was pretty cool.
Two negatives make a positive. Two positives also make a positive. Which do you choose?
What if some of us are reincarnated from the past, and others from the future?
I think 50% of people hold words to be ultimately accountable. I think the other 50% hold intention to be ultimately accountable.
Why do people always say, “What if you get hit by a bus?” Like, what the fuck? Is this a common occurrence? Here comes the murder bus! WATCH OUT!!
To conquer a people, you simply need to eliminate what binds them together: mutual trust, cooperation and love. Once these are gone, it’s simply a matter of directing them to serve your selfish fucking purpose under a guise of hope to get back to where they were before you infected them in the first place.
Fuck Microsoft.
I’ve been playing L.O.R.D. and have been sacrificing a lot of time saving my gold instead of incrementing up and losing a ton of gold in the process. My standing was on a steady decline. I was getting my ass handed to me on a daily basis. I was saving though, and marking milestones in […]
Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through […]
Listening to an old gig I played bass in, and fucking a…I sucked so bad. I mean, we all sucked, I guess. But holy shit, I’m glad bars sell beer because everyone seemed to still have a good time. That is all.