> The Darkener's Console

The exit to the north end of the room is through huge marble pillars.

Archive for the ‘Conspiracy’ Category

WTF Musk —

Musk has apparently gone full-on troll against Wikipedia. It’s really sad to see somebody who has done so much for scientific progress stoop so low in his public interactions. I’m honestly ashamed I ever looked up to him as an entrepreneur and cheered my son on years back to write a school report on of […]

45 —

He’s currently shifting posture to include even more calls for violence and more general focus on weaponry (guns specifically). This guy is desperate. Be aware, to those who easily hear his dog whistles (everybody?).

AI, F/OSS and Copyright —

Warning, petty conspiracy theory ahead: 1) Buy GitHub to mitigate possible legal contingencies 2) Help build an LLM that can write (and slightly modify existing) code at an amazing rate and ever-increasing quality 3) Train it on data from the open web, including GH of course 4) Produce “unique” code where the rightful copyright holder […]

Giraffes Don’t Exist —

I know that you’re starting to Find out the truth You’re doing the research Fight nail and tooth There’s one thing that I’ve really Been meaning to tell To the one that I know And who knows me so well It’ll blow your damn mind How we’ve all been the fool To the biggest conspiracy […]

Spam / Junk Mail —

I’ve felt for a while now that scanning my spam/junk mail folder for legitimate mail has an inherent negative affect on my mood. I use SpamAssassin on my mailserver which takes care of the bulk of my junk mail. Even with this protection, as most know, a good amount still comes through – and introduce […]

Frequency Mix —

I compiled this audio clip in 2004. The eerie background noise is sound from the planet Saturn that NASA had captured. The clicking sound is RF frequency bleed-over from my (then current) cellphone into my bass guitar pickups, sounding over my amp. Everything else was my mind trying to cope with the after-effects of 9/11. […]

Voting Machines —

“Michael I. Shamos, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University who is a proponent of electronic voting and the examiner of electronic voting systems for Pennsylvania, stated “It’s the most severe security flaw ever discovered in a voting system.” Douglas W. Jones, a professor of computer science at the University of Iowa, stated […]

Fluoride Controversy —

So I was reading this article on Slashdot about a reporter visiting a Flat-Earther Convention and they mentioned receiving a gift of non-Fluoride toothpaste (and began talking about the “conspiracy theory” behind it). This was my comment, which I think accurately sums up my thoughts on Fluoride: “So I’m not a “Flat-Earther” or whatever you […]

“The Media Is” —

“The media” is. Rather, the media is simply a conduit. A platform. A “thing”. It can be used for good or for evil – to spread truth or spread lies. It 100.0% relies on whomever is using “the media” to choose the context, accuracy, editorial spin, on whatever facts or incidents have occurred. I think […]

Somone hates me on Slashdot —

These days, it seems I can’t comment on any story without losing at least one modpoint. Doesn’t matter the contents, whether it’s a nice, watered-down, etc. comment, or what type of story I’m commenting on, almost instantly I go from 2 points to either 1 or 0. This has been happening for at least 2 […]

Facebook ugh —

I feel right now that logging into Facebook is largely futile and repeatable. What stems from a login is checking bloated notifications, scrolling through an endless feed of mostly regurgitated news and narcissistic quests of adoration, wrapped up with me sharing what post seems to be the least diluted and maybe even a bit educational […]

Digital Freedom Denied —

-= 1 =- I am 36 years old. I currently live in a small town in Northern California, but grew up in a semi-large city of just under two-hundred thousand people. I’m married and have two children. I own my own I.T. business where I support and maintain small business computer networks. I am a […]