I’m feeling feelings rn so I’ll just take a big dump right here and feel better.
- I’m sick of people who fuck the air quality for a 100+ mile radius with arson.
- I’m sick of living in an air-basin.
- I’m sick of people who only trust those who cater to their confirmation bias.
- I’m sick of people who think they know better than everyone else.
- I’m sick of people who always think about themselves first.
- I’m sick of people who don’t use their fucking blinkers.
- I’m sick of people who can’t say “I’m sorry” and not feel defeated.
- I’m sick of people who say “I’m sorry” but dilute their apology with excuses.
- I’m sick of people who are arrogantly ignorant.
- I’m sick of people who are stuck in a closed, tired and given-up mindset.
- I’m sick of people who are somehow incapable of empathy toward others.
- I’m sick of people who only pretend they have empathy toward others.
- I’m sick of inflated egos and self-centered ass clowns.
- I’m sick of web weaving spiders.
- I’m sick of COVID.
- I’m sick of the people who are responsible for COVID’s continued existence.
- I’m sick of the concept of money and the way it strips us of our humanity.
Yup. =)
Categorised as: Blogs
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